People Management in SME’s : Interview Milind Padole, CEO & MD ARAPL
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Tell us something about ARAPL?
We started ARAPL in 2005 as a proprietary concern then formally converted it into Pvt Ltd in 2010. Affordable Robotic & Automation Ltd. ARAPL is leading the automation world for more than a decade serving in Automotive, Non-automotive, General Industries, and also in Government sectors. Our revenues are close to 15 Mn USD. ARAPL has 250+ employees and the average age of employees in our company is 26 years. Read More
MD Milind Padole Story Covered by The Entrepreneur of India
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MD Milind Padole’s interview on @LOKHITMADHYAM as he talks about the Covid measures at ARAPL
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Catch our MD Milind Padole’s interview on @LOKHITMADHYAM as he talks about the Covid measures Affordable Robotic & Automation Ltd. (ARAPL) has taken for its employees. From maintaining proper social distancing to regular temperature and oxygen checks our company is ensuing utmost safety in its work space. We have also covered our employees under an insurance policy of 12 lacs per family to further protect them from Covid 19. We have shifted to 50% work from home model. Tea and breakfast are being served at their work locations. Taking steam has been made compulsory while entering the factory facility. Catch the full interview here